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2014. Bicycles, Stormwater and Bioengineering. The Alexandra Stream Enhancement Project. Conference Paper Water NZ.


Rowan Carter, Environmental Planning Engineer, North Shore City Council

Damian Young, Director, Senior Environmental Engineer


Integrated Catchment Management Planning (ICMP) is a lot more than just stormwater pipes and receiving environments. Increasingly it is about planning to meet less tangible social and amenity objectives, while achieving water quality, ecological and flood management outcomes.

The Alexandra Stream Enhancement Project is located in the Oteha Valley, North Shore City. This project involves the integration of a major public cycle-way project with stream restoration, wetland enhancement and stormwater infrastructure improvements. It represents a unique opportunity to achieve community outcomes through the implementation of low impact design principles.

This paper documents the process, philosophy and technical innovations that have underpinned this project and discusses the institutional capacity requirements. In particular it will address the following key elements:

- How ICMP is used to deliver quadruple bottom line outcomes,

- Methods used in identifying issues and enhancement opportunities,

- Innovative approaches to water quality improvement, e.g. Bio-enegineering techniques used in the restoration of wetlands and enhancement to offline treatment systems,

- The collaborative approach to planning between Transport, Parks and Three Water Departments.


Integrated catchment management planning, water quality, cycleway, bio-engineering



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