This paper presents the methodology used to develop Stormwater Management Areas
for Flow Control (SMAF) as proposed to be used in the Auckland Unitary Plan to manage
the small frequent flows up to the 1 in 1 to 2-year ARI that have the most impact on
channel erosion and stream health, that is, zones 1 and 2 in the above figure. The 1 in
1 to 2-year event corresponds approximately to the natural ‘bank full’ condition (the top
of the banks formed in the natural channel cross section) and thus have a significant
impact on the erosion of the channel.
David Kettle, Director, D&B Kettle Consulting Ltd
Ian Mayhew, Andrew Stuart Limited
Josh Irvine, Stormwater Modelling Team, Auckland Council
Damian Young, Director, Morphum Environmental