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to Influence the future

the past


Using leading GIS Tools, expert partnerships & innovative consultancy practice, we implement solutions for the environment, infrastructure and natural resource management, for a resilient future.

Zealandia Consulting is a union of dedicated professionals, with experience spanning the last 50 years, focused on the betterment innovation can bring, and inspired by how all our stories can inform a better tomorrow.

As engineering, science & environmental practitioners, we face complex problems, by listening to the stories of our clients and collaborators.

Our Mission is to support our clients and community to plan for a carbon negative, resilient and bio-diverse rich tomorrow.


Whangarei  - Auckland - Wellington


Across the Whenua...
from the mountains...
down to lakes and wetlands...

From rivers to sea, through to coastal landscapes...

Along ecological zones of carbon and streams, infrastructure and built environments...

We seek to collaborate
for better outcomes, shaped by
technology and good practice...


Zealandia Consulting logo
New Zealand Fern

Connecting the dots...
by using technology,
instinct, and
method focused practice,
to influence the future...

TIME FOR KORERO- Contact our Team
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Head Office

Level 3
159 Hurstmere Road


Auckland, New Zealand

Phone 0064 21531818

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